Transformative Steps in Health Development in Indonesia

In facing complex health challenges, Indonesia remains committed to continuing to move forward in health development. However, the journey towards a quality and inclusive health system still requires consistent and directed joint efforts.
Health conditions in Indonesia still face challenges that are not easy. Indonesia’s life expectancy still lags behind that of upper middle-income countries, while various fundamental challenges still confront the health development process.
The ideal vision for 2045 includes significant improvements in key health indicators. Life expectancy is expected to increase to 80 years, while the maternal mortality rate decreases drastically to 16 per hundred thousand live births.
Other targets include reducing the prevalence of stunting in children under five to 5 percent, as well as reducing the incidence of tuberculosis to 76 per hundred thousand population. In addition, the percentage of participation in national health insurance is expected to reach 99.5 percent.
To achieve these ideal hopes, transformative efforts need to be made in health development. First, it is necessary to provide nutritional guarantees in the first 1000 days of life as a crucial step in reducing stunting rates in toddlers.
In addition, it is necessary to expand investment in primary health services down to the village and sub-district levels, to ensure equal accessibility of health services throughout the region.
No less important, fulfilling the number and type of medical personnel and health workers who are qualified and responsive to the needs of local communities is an urgent matter.
Furthermore, restructuring of affairs and authority between central and regional governments in the health sector is needed to ensure effective coordination in the implementation of health programs.
Lastly, health development must involve all stakeholders, from government to civil society, to create strong synergy in achieving common goals.
With strong commitment and continuous hard work, Indonesia can realize its vision of inclusive and sustainable health by 2045. Transformative steps in health development will have a broad positive impact on the nation’s prosperity and future.
Source: Bappenas