Sustainable Tourism Strategy in Indonesia
Tourism is a strategic sector in Indonesia’s economic development. To direct Indonesian tourism towards sustainability and high added value, the government has formulated a series of strategies that will be implemented in future tourism policies.
This strategy includes integration of domestic and global connectivity, increasing innovation in the use of natural and cultural resources, strengthening integration and competitiveness of trade, tourism and investment, increasing human resources and tourism MSMEs, strengthening the tourism industry supply chain, completing 10 priority tourism destinations, and strengthening tourism promotion.
First, the integration of domestic and global connectivity will support tourism growth by facilitating tourist access through conducive visa policies.
Second, increasing innovation in the use of natural resources, culture, creativity and sporting achievements will diversify the attractiveness of tourism destinations according to the preferences of domestic and foreign tourists.
Third, strengthening the integration and competitiveness of trade, tourism and investment will strengthen cross-sector cooperation to support tourism growth. Fourth, improving human resources and tourism MSMEs will increase the global competitiveness of the Indonesian tourism sector.
Fifth, strengthening the tourism industry supply chain will be carried out by implementing blue, green and circular economy, digitalization and technological advances.
Sixth, the government has also determined 10 priority tourism destinations guided by the National Tourism Destination Master Plan and Integrated Tourism Master Plan, as well as strengthening regenerative tourism in Bali and developing tourism clusters in Special Economic Zones.
Seventh, strengthening tourism promotion will be carried out through the establishment of a one-stop promotion agency that is integrated with trade and investment promotion.
By implementing these strategies, it is hoped that Indonesian tourism can become a leading world destination that is sustainable, globally competitive, and provides high added value for the Indonesian economy and society.
Source Bappenas