Minister Suharso Inaugurates High Officials within the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas

Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa inaugurated and took the oath of middle-ranking officials within the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Wednesday (05/06/2024).
The officials who were appointed and took the oath were Mr. Medrilzam as Expert Staff for Equity and Regional Affairs, Mrs. Raden Siliwanti as Expert Staff for Economic Synergy and Financing and Tri Dewi Virgiyanti as Deputy for Regional Development.
Apart from middle-ranking officials, the Minister also appointed functional analysts and planners. Mr. Hendra Kusuma was appointed as an Intermediate Expert Apparatus Human Resources Analyst, Mr. Bonataon Maruli Timothy Vincent and Mrs. Nurazizah Ramlan as a young expert planner and Mr. Muhammad Zul Fauzi Sinapoy as a First Expert Planner.
To the appointed officials, the Minister advised them to strive to maintain harmonization of development planning and control at the central and regional levels.
As a planning practitioner, the Minister also emphasized that he should always develop a framework that can integrate various planning perspectives from both sectoral and regional perspectives into planning that is comprehensive, careful and adaptive to internal and external dynamics.
Apart from that, the Minister also emphasized that the planning in question is able to mitigate all existing potential risks.
“The existence of Presidential Decree 39 of 2023 concerning National Development Risk Management (MRPN), requires all of us to play a role in ensuring the implementation of integrated risk management in national development planning,” said the Minister.
With the MRPN, the Minister hopes that the policies, programs, projects and activities produced by the government can have a positive impact on society, be of high quality, effective, efficient, inclusive, sustainable and with minimal resistance.
“For this reason, I ask you to continue to be learners, be open to new input and knowledge, and continue to increase your capacity. “So, you can continue to be the best talents that the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has,” concluded the Minister.
Source: Bappenas