Tabanan, UHN SUGRIWA – PLT Directorate General Bimas Hindu of Religious Affair Ministry Dr. Komang Sri Marheni, S.Ag., M.Si. Officially opens KKN TERBATAS NUSANTARA II, Monday (27th of June 2022) in I Ketut Maria Hall, Tabanan. The activity with theme “Strengthen The Spirit of “Kenusantaraan” through Religious Moderation” is attended by Regent of Tabanan Dr. I Komang Gede Sanjaya, S.E., M.M. And The Rector of UHN IGB SUGRIWA Denpasar Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, M.Si.
The Rector, Prof. I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, in this occasion, stated his gratitude to Ministry of Religious Affairs especially PLT Directorate General Bimas Hindu that could attend the event via online and the government of Tabanan Regency that had facilitated the event. He also stated that religious moderation emphasizes students to not show any differences and unite in the midst of society. The Rector also instructed to keep the name of alma-mater and own-self in good manner.
The Regent of Tabanan, Dr. I Komang Gede Sanjaya, S.E, M.M. welcomed and appreciated this activity. Sanjaya who’s one of the alumnus of Post-Graduate of IHDN Denpasar (now known as I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar) stated Tabanan, previously, achieved the Harmony Award from Ministry of Religious Affairs. He also instructed that Tabanan is very strong to defend the Religious Moderation that has the same perspective with KKN NUSANTARA.
Meanwhile, PLT Directorate General Bimas Hindu of Religious Affairs Ministry Dr. Komang Sri Marheni also welcomed this Student Study Service. She instructed to all of the partcipant of KKN Nusantara to unite in society diversity.
The Head of Institution of Research and Community Service (in Bahasa known as LPPM) of UHN IGB SUGRIWA Denpasar Dr. Drs. made Sugata, M.Ag reported that the total of participants of KKN TERBATAS NUSANTARA II are 586 students from UHN SUGRIWA, 12 students from UIN Walisongo, and 10 students from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The participants will be placed into 40 locations in Bali and 5 locations outside Bali namely, Nabire Papua, Mamuju Sulbar, Deli Serdang Sumut, Semarang, and Jakarta. This Student Service Study is lasted from 27th of June until 31st of August 2022
This event was also attended by all of the OPD Tabanan, UHN official/functionary, DPL, and the representation of village coordinator